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chronic kidney disease treatment

Practical solutions for today's world


Beyond dialysis, a novel approach

to Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Biotech companies have had a hyper-focus on dialysis, working towards smaller and more efficient machines since its invention in the 1950's. While envisioning improvements for the hemodialysis machine, real treatment options have been lacking to address CKD management for early stages. Today's CKD treatment is passive, wherein the objective is to keep patients somewhat within healthy parameters and await for the eminent progression to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) when 9 hours a week of the patient's life is to be spent connected to a machine.


At Virtus Humanitatis, we have developed a patented treatment to address early and late stages of chronic kidney disease.

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Chronic Kidney Disease is multifactorial, having to address sodium homeostasis, blood volume, hyperkalemia, acid-base balance, anemia, hyperphosphatemia, calcium metabolism, uremia, malnutrition, and the list goes on.


In addition to the medication needed to manage these parameters, patients need to continue with their medicines to treat the disease causing CKD, predominantly diabetes and hypertension. 


As if taking over 20 tablets per day wasn't enough, patients must learn a whole new way of eating with low-protein diets; many times overwhelming and confusing for the patient and the family caregivers.


Our patented treatment delivers 6 benefits in 1 oral intake.

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Our Team

Virtus Humanitatis was founded in 2015 by a team of medical physicians in the areas of Nephrology, Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, after 8 years of studying, researching, and comparing the available treatments for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.


Patients with CKD are mainly treated with calcium or non-calcium phosphate binders, nutritional products such as enteral formulas, probiotics and prebiotics, erythropoietins for anemia control, and alpha ketoanalogs of aminoacids; each addressing one corner of the problem, yet not at the origin where the toxic substances are formed. 


Our team has successfully patented a composition that acts in the Citric Acid Cycle, inside the cell's mitochondria.



At Virtus Humanitatis we seek for external partnerships to commercialize and deliver our innovative treatments to patients and institutions over the globe (out-licensing). 


Our small-molecule CKD treatment is patented in 10 countries, including Japan, China, the United States, and Mexico.


Our team of medical physicians concluded and published a clinical study with statistically-significant results proving the treatment's benefits. Additional patient cases and scientific articles reinforce our claims.


Interested in innovating for today's world? Contact Us


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